Anthropic Console Setup

Create an Anthropic API key

This comprehensive guide helps you on setting up the Anthropic Console for the Events Optimizer Pro Plugin.
It walks you through register an Anthropic account and creating an Anthropic API key.

Login to the Anthropic console

Login in to the Anthropic console with your Anthropic account.

If you don’t have one, create it for free here.


Step 1: Create an Anthropic API key

The Anthropic platform screen will appear.

Click on “API keys” on the left sidebar and then “Create Key”.

Anthropic settings page showing the option to create API keys with buttons labeled "Create Key" and various menu items on the left sidebar.

Give the API key a useful name that you can assign it later, e.g. events-optimizer

Select a project. Leave if on the default project if you haven’t created a project yet.

Click on “Create Key”.

A user interface displaying a form to create an API key, with the key name "events-optimizer" entered, and options to cancel or create the key with the "Create Key" button highlighted.

Click on “Copy Key” to copy the API key to the clipboard

A confirmation message that a key has been successfully added with the key displayed and an option to copy the key.

Step 2: Paste the Anthropic API key into you Events Optimizer Pro settings

Open the settings page of the Events Optimizer Pro Plugin.

Paste the API key in the field shown.

Click “Save” at the end of the page.

Screenshot of a settings page showing fields to enter API credentials for OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and DataForSEO. The "Anthropic API key" field is highlighted with a red outline.